Introducing: Everett, Horizn’s Senior Product Developer

Meet the voice of Product Diaries, our new content series

Welcome to Product Diaries! It’s our new content series featuring Everett, our senior product developer. Every month, he will let you in our most exciting innovations and sustainability initiatives.

From conceiving our signature M5 luggage to bringing the Circle One concept to fruition, Everett has played a significant role in driving our portfolio since 2017. With extensive experience in product engineering – prior to Horizn Studios, he worked for snowboard manufacturer Burton – he heads up our product team with painstaking attention ingenuity to creating truly sustainable solutions for the future of travel. Catch him in conversation with our brand marketing lead, Beatrice, chatting about the smart features of our first luggage staple, the M5.

Three Questions with Everett

A fun fact about the M5?
We freeze its parts (of which there are 360 in total, by the way) at -12 degrees Celsius before testing it. That’s quite cool.

What exactly makes the M5 so smart?
Imagine going through airport security and your underwear falling out while you open your suitcase, searching for your laptop. Or your phone dying in the middle of your journey, and you're lost in the middle of nowhere. With the M5 by your side, neither scenario will be yours.

Your next travel destination?
Svalbard, Norway – somewhere remote.

Watch Everett talk about our iconic M5

Thanks, Everett, for lending your voice to Product Diaries. Stay tuned for more episodes, following soon.

Everett’s favourite travel companions

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